Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Apple to wipe all CloudKit data on July 22

Apple has sent an email to registered developers notifying them of a complete wipe of CloudKit databases. The erase, which is scheduled to take place on July 22nd, is related to the iCloud APIs introduced at WWDC this year and will effect iCloud containers with public databases.
This is the second time Apple is deleting iCloud server data, as the tech giant performed a similar wipe on July 7th in order to upgrade their servers to coincide with the latest beta releases for iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite
Here is Apple’s full email to developers:
Dear developer,
Starting July 22, 2014, CloudKit will require iOS 8 beta 4 or OS X Yosemite Developer Preview 4. To ensure uninterrupted development of your CloudKit enabled apps, download and upgrade to these versions today.
We will perform a server-side data wipe on all CloudKit public databases on July 22. If you are using iCloud containers with public databases, consider creating a copy of your data so that you can re-upload once the data wipe is complete. iCloud Drive, iCloud Photo Library, and Mail Drop will not be impacted by the targeted data wipe.
If you have any questions, visit the Apple Developer Forums.
Best regards,
Apple Developer Technical Support
AnonDz Web Developer

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