Sunday, November 8, 2015

all full firmware iris-sat smartphone i-s3 working 100% tested upgrade for dead phones too updated

Full Dump IRIS-SAT-S3
work on dead phones too good luck
the download link and the flash tool down below like us on facebook

if the phone is fully dead try to link the two test points KCOL and GND

touts les firmware iris-is3

vous devrai voir sous la batterie la carte mère est de quel modèle
Carte mère 4.1
*** 14,48 15,01

AnonDz Web Developer

Sunday, November 1, 2015

How To Root Samsung Galaxy S6 920F|925F for lolipop 5.1.1 with UniKernel 100%TESTED

~~~~S6 pre-rooted UniKernel~~~~
        For Galaxy S6 920 F / I / S / K / L / T / W8

     For Galaxy S6 925 F / I / S / K / L / T / W8
For Lollipop 5.1.1 only!

UniKernel Features
- Supports F / I / S / K / L / T / W8 variants of 920 AND 925 devices
- Supports 920FS, ID and SD Dual SIM devices
- All edge screen special functions on Edge devices working
- Built from official Samsung Sources
- Full init.d scripting support
- SE Linux set to permissive (will prevent private mode from working)
- Stock Clocks
- Fully working Auto-Root for all 5.1.1 roms
- BusyBox injection if not detected in ROM
- DriveDroid support

Kernel Configuration
The Stock preset will make the kernel behave exactly as a stock kernel - no turbo mode, CFQ scheduler, stock interactive
If no pre-existing configuration file is found on the phone, (ie - New ROM flash) the ODIN flashable kernel will also have stock behaviour.

Every Aroma option is clearly labelled with an accurate description of what the setting will change. You are free to reflash to change configurations or manually edit the /system/unikernel.prop file that is generated by the installer (and then reboot). If you choose either the performance or custom options and enable Turbo mode, do not post in this thread about poor battery life. Turbo mode costs battery. deal with it 


step 1

download the kernel from the link above
step 2

download odin 3.10.7

reboot download mode with the volum down+home+power button

open odin select ap
select the kernel file S6_UniKernel_v8-0002-ODIN.tar and hit start

and thats it have fun :) hit like and follwo us if you like the post

AnonDz Web Developer

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

how to flash ooredoo lenovo a319 firmware dead or working 100% WORKING TESTED by AnonDz

I want to share with you today where and how you can download the exact working firmware of this phone from Lenovo which is called Lenovo A319.

This firmware is you can use it to fix your Lenovo A319 to this following problem....

1.Hang in logo
4.Dead Phone But detected in PC.

Download the firmware here

Note:You must have an account to that site in order to download that firmware.

Follow this procedures to flash your phone using SP Flash T

1- open flash tool
2- select the scatter file
3- you must select download format all+Download
4- shut down the phone or remove battery and reconnect it 
5- plugging the usb cable you will see the download and format started and that's it
6- restor the imei of the phone from my post from the section below

For Invalid IMEI:
Your Phone/Tablet must be rooted first
follow my tuto for restoring MTK imei from here

Don't Forget to like us on Facebook and Follow us on Google+
AnonDz Web Developer

Thursday, October 15, 2015


Hi guys today ill bring you a new method for repairing restoring null or invalid imei for all MTK
phones like lenovo condor wiko oppo micromax walton, gionee etc..... simple and easy way in one condition just the phone must be rooted 

1st root your phone 

2nd download chamelephon  apk  and install it

3rd open chamelephon and authorize super user

4th hit generate random imei and reboot the phone 

and that's it guys simple easy and 100% working method good luck. 

AnonDz Web Developer

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Windows 10 est-il un système d’exploitation diabolique ?

Croyez-le ou non, Windows 10 est un excellent système d'exploitation.
Je l'utilise depuis les toutes premières preview et il faut bien le dire, Microsoft a fait un excellent boulot. Seulement, voilà... Microsoft a fait un choix stratégique qui est le même que celui de Google ou Apple (entre autres).
Avec Google Now et la synchro de notre compte, Google est capable de nous créer des rendez-vous à la voix, de répondre à nos questions, de sauvegarder nos données et nos applications, de nous géolocaliser, de récupérer des échantillons de notre voix, de connaître nos habitudes de surf, de nous afficher de la pub ciblée...etc.
Avec iCloud et Siri, Apple est capable de faire plus ou moins la même chose et collecte sensiblement les mêmes données personnelles, même si c'est un peu moins violent que Google.
Microsoft ne pouvait pas rester en marge de cette mini révolution technologique qui vise à calquer l'OS (mobile ou desktop) au plus proche de notre personnalité et de nos besoins. C'est une demande croissante... Les gens veulent de la personnalisation et de l'intelligence (toute relative) dans leurs applications.
Seulement, il n’y a pas de magie. Pour faire tout ça, et au passage vous coller un peu de pub (Windows 10 est "gratuit" en échange de vos données...), il faut pouvoir nous profiler le plus finement possible. Google, Apple et donc Microsoft avec son nouveau Windows 10, le font... Sans oublier Facebook, Amazon, Twitter qui le font aussi à leur manière.
Si je vous raconte tout ça, c'est parce que je ne comprends pas pourquoi d'un coup, d'un seul, tout le monde se réveille et gueule sur Microsoft parce que ces derniers collectent de la donnée personnelle et colle un tracker pub au cul de tous ses utilisateurs. Google et Apple font la même chose massivement depuis des années et apparemment, ça ne gène personne ou pas grand monde quand il s'agit de son smartphone.
Alors pourquoi ?
Honnêtement, je n'en sais rien, mais ma théorie c'est parce que ça se voit. En effet, en ce qui concerne les paramètres de confidentialité de Google ou d'Apple, faut creuser un peu pour les trouver et désactiver ce qu'il est possible de désactiver. L'utilisateur n'en a pas forcément conscience. Chez Microsoft, c'est simple. Ils veulent tellement pas dissimuler le truc qu'il ont intégré tout ça visible du premier coup d'oeil dans leurs gros menus pour bigleux ! Il suffit d'aller dans les paramètres, menu confidentialité pour tout voir, tout savoir et tout désactiver.

Évidemment, ça fait peur, car pour une fois, c'est écrit clairement, noir sur blanc, et en français et on sait précisément ce que Microsoft récupère.
Du coup, je pense que c'est surtout pour ça que le coup de flip international s'est propagé et a provoqué une grosse prise de conscience. Mais pour ceux qui s'intéressent un peu au sujet des données personnelles, ce n'est qu'un acteur de plus qui collecte des tas d'infos sur nous. Un de plus, et qui le fait de manière totalement décomplexée sans se cacher.
C'est donc le chemin choisi par Microsoft. Coupler qui nous sommes avec des fonctionnalités cool de notre époque. Et c'est pour ça que ça va plaire aux gens. Et dans quelques mois, tous les utilisateurs de Windows tiendront le même discours que les utilisateurs d'Android, de Gmail ou de Siri, à savoir : "Oui on sait, toutes nos données partent sur leurs serveurs aux États-Unis, mais c'est tellement pratique, et regarde je peux lui parler et il répond".
Ce choix de Microsoft est tout à fait discutable et je ne l'approuve pas, mais c'est leur choix pour, j'imagine, innover et rester dans la course face aux 2 autres. Si ce choix ne vous convient pas, rassurez-vous, vous disposez de plusieurs possibilités.
Premièrement, vous pouvez utiliser un autre OS... Un Linux (peu importe, la distrib) ou un FreeBSD qui fera tout ce que vous voudrez sans vous coller un tracker ou conserver vos données personnelles.
Ou alors, si vous appréciez Windows, et bien SCOOP ! Vous pouvez rester sous Windows 7 ou 8. Ou même passer à Windows 10. Il suffit, si vous n'approuvez pas ce choix technologique de Microsoft, de désactiver toutes les options qui vont piocher dans votre vie privée. Alors oui vous allez perdre pas mal de fonctionnalités sympas, mais là, c'est à vous de faire un choix. Profiter du confort proposé par Microsoft ou réduire un peu ce confort et préserver vos données personnelles.
Comme je le dis toujours, du moment qu'on a le choix et qu'on a conscience de ce choix, je ne vois pas pourquoi râler.
Bref, si vous souhaitez désactiver tout ce qui serait susceptible de récupérer vos données personnelles dans Windows 10 pour les envoyer sur les serveurs de Microsoft, c'est assez simple. Il suffit de fouiller un peu dans les paramètres et dès que vous tombez sur une mention de ce type "Déclaration de confidentialité", votre cerveau doit s'allumer, car c'est qu'il y a anguille sous roche. Désactivez alors l'option concernée.
Concrètement, ça se trouve dans :
Paramètres -> Mise à jour et sécurité -> Windows Defender

Désactivez tout ce qui est "Actif" et cliquez sur le bouton "Arrêter de me connaître". Faites le tour de tout ce que vous pouvez, et dès que vous voyez la mention "Déclaration de confidentialité", allez la lire et prenez le temps de la réflexion. Demandez-vous : "Ai-je vraiment besoin de cette fonctionnalité ?".
Au pire, désactivez tout et réactivez au compte-goutte quand vous en aurez besoin. Mon sentiment, c'est que vous saurez très bien vous en passer.
Bon voilà... Tout ça pour dire que oui, Windows 10 est un excellent OS, bien conçu, moderne et bien stable à condition de savoir où on met les pieds et que fondamentalement il n'y a pas de différences entre la collecte et le traitement des données personnelles de Microsoft et celui de Google ou d'un autre géant du net dans le même délire du "tout sur le cloud". Si Windows 10 vous chatouille, alors votre smartphone (et tous vos comptes Google) devrait aussi vous chatouiller. Si ce n'est pas le cas, c'est soit parce que vous avez fait ce qu'il faut pour éviter le problème (pas de compte Google, une ROM alternative...etc.), soit parce que vous n’étiez pas au courant de comment ça fonctionne vraiment.
Bref, à mon avis, pas de quoi s'enflammer ou brûler sur le bûcher telle Jeanne D'Arc, uniquement Microsoft, dont le seul crime est de faire pareil que les autres. Et même si vous pensez avoir entendu des voix, ce n'est que Cortana qui s'excite dans son coin ;-).
Évidemment, de mon côté, j'ai aussi installé Windows 10 et je vais donc commencer à explorer tout ça. Il est fort probable que je vous en reparle bientôt en vous filant quelques astuces. En attendant, si vous êtes l'heureux nouveau propriétaire d'un Windows, je vous invite à lire cet excellent post de Mouton Noir qui vous expliquera comment carrément désinstaller tout ce dont vous n'avez pas besoin.
Amusez-vous bien !

AnonDz Web Developer

Friday, July 10, 2015

Why iOS software updates are better than android updates?

iOS, as you may well know, is the name of the operating system on mobile devices made by Apple i.e. the iPad and iPhone. It is also available on some versions of the iPod. On this page, we are going to take a little look at why iOS software updates are far superior to Android operating system updates, the competitor to Apple.
Now, many people will say that iOS nowadays tries to copy Android as much as possible. It does, to some extent. However, when Apple try to do something with their operating system, they make sure that they go above and beyond to ensure that the operating system boasts better features. Sure, features may take a while to come out for iOS, but you can be sure that they are going to be better than the Android equivalent in the vast majority of cases.

One of the benefits of purchasing an Apple phone is that the updates tend to be highly optimized. Android operating system releases need to cover a broad spectrum of different phones and hardware. It is impossible for the Android update to work perfectly on each and every one of them. This means that one day you may have a phone which works exceedingly well, and the next it just performs sluggishly. You are not going to have to worry about that with an iOS update. The update would have been tested over and over again on the exact device that you are using. This means that there will be an improvement in your device. You do not have to sit around waiting for a fix in the vast majority of cases. Yes, Apple are guilty of pushing poor quality updates from time to time. Not everything can be tested perfectly. However, they tend to patch these bugs pretty quickly.

Apple produce the operating system that they use on their phone. Google produce Android, an open source operating system. Now, open source has plenty of benefits. Many phone manufacturers will play about with the code to make it work better for them. However, open source also has its downsides. Anybody can access open source code. This means that anybody, with the knowledge to do so at least, put together malicious software that you could accidentally include on your phone. In addition to this, the manufacturers who rewrite the operating system for their own purposes may play about with the code and break it, never to release a fix (the standard Google operating system will be tough to work with). So, in short, Apple coding is closed coding. This means that the only people who can view the code are those that work for Apple. This means that the security of iOS operating system updates tend to be slightly better and thus safer for you to use.
Recently some SSL vulnerabilities (Heart-bleed, Freak) were identified by security researchers, Apple did release the patched software updates after a few days but in case of android Google does not release any updates for Android versions prior to 4.4 -KitKat, Its a free pass for Hackers to steal your Credit card & personal informations, even if Google releases security updates, the company vendors (Samsung, HTC, LG) which makes the android phone must apply the Patch to the source code and push the update to the Phone, in most of the cases an Android user never get the latest updates or security updates, but  Apple doesn’t rely on third party, it release the updates on time, an iPhone user is 99% secure than an Android user.

AnonDz Web Developer

Apple launches two new “If it’s not an iPhone” ads

Today, Apple launched two new iPhone advertisements touting the device’s uniqueness and how much its customers love them. In the first ad, entitled Hardware & Software, Apple big-ups the way the iPhone’s hardware and software are both created by the same company.
In the second advertisement, entitled Love, Apple touts how 99% of iPhone customers love their devices. It then ends both advertisements with a similar tag line: If it’s not an iPhone, it’s not an iPhone.
Even though many devices have tried to copy Apple’s hardware or software efforts, due to the fact that Apple is one of the few that produces both, it’s able to have a leg up on Android OEMs when it comes to software and hardware synergy.

And it’s true, there simply is nothing like an iPhone. You may not like it, you may prefer something else, but there’s no denying that there’s nothing quite like the sum of all of its parts when it comes to the competition.

As someone who likes to try other phones, I can attest that many Android phones do a good job as far as smartphones go. But there’s just something about having both components designed by the same company that makes things mesh like no other.
Agree, or disagree? And what do you think about those new ads?
AnonDz Web Developer

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

SwipeForMore lets you manage Cydia items with just a swipe

If you find the stock method of managing Cydia packages to be a bit cumbersome, then you’re not alone. Fortunately, saurik has opened up Cydia to third-party modifications, and for that we all are very thankful.
As expected, many new jailbreak tweaks specifically designed for Cydia are beginning to appear. One of the latest tweaks, entitled SwipeForMore, looks like one of the most compelling one thus far.
SwipeForMore allows you to swipe on a tweak in order to access install and uninstall options. It can save you time, because you don’t have to navigate into a tweak’s individual page in order to manage it.
SwipeForMore is an awesome tweak that will surely become a staple for many. Simply being able to swipe on a tweak to install, queue, or uninstall, is so much faster than the old way of managing packages.
Queuing, in particular, benefits from SwipeForMore. When you use queueing via SwipeForMore’s interface, the Confirm dialogue pops up, but then automatically disappears in order to accept your next command.
It’s really hard to appreciate how much this speeds up the workflow without seeing it in action, hence, you should definitely watch the video above to see SwipeForMore and other new Cydia-centric tweaks in action.
There are a couple of options in the Settings app for SwipeForMore. There’s a kill-switch for quickly disabling a tweak, and there’s a skip confirmation switch that allows you to skip the confirm dialogue for even faster installs.
It won’t be a tweak that you can use with every Cydia install since it doesn’t yet play nice for paid packages, but it can handle free packages and packages that have already been purchased like a champ.
What do you think about SwipeForMore. Drop us a line in the comments.
AnonDz Web Developer

How to get Android-inspired cellular signal and Wi-Fi status bar icons

Today I bring to you a two awesome android wifi and cellular icone if you're a fan These icons are added to the status bar by means of a WinterBoard theme downloadable for free from Cydia. In this post, I’ll show you how you can add them to your iPhone.
To get these awesome looking status bar icons, open Cydia and search for Android Solid, which is a free download. Once you download it, you may need to reboot if you don’t already have WinterBoard.

Open the Settings app, and find the WinterBoard preference panel. Find the Android Solid entries, and check both WiFi and Cell. There are also two condensed versions, but I prefer the look of the normal versions. You can use condensed if you prefer.
One you enable the two themes, tap the back button and tap respring. Once you do, you should see the new Android L-styled Wi-Fi and cellular signal meters in your status bar.
Again, Android Solid is a free theme available right now on Cydia. Have you tried out this theme, or do you plan to do so? Do you think it looks better than the stock icons?

AnonDz Web Developer

10 Cydia sources to try for the iOS 8.4 jailbreak

The default Cydia repos hold the majority of the awesome jailbreak apps and tweaks that we all know and love, but from time to time, you’ll need to use a third-party source for certain Cydia packages. Some third-party repos, like Ryan Petrich’s beta repo, are one of the first things I add after jailbreaking my iPhone. Other repos aren’t nearly as necessary, but still nice to have available.
In this post, I’ll share with you 10 different third-party Cydia sources that you can add to Cydia to gain access to additional apps, tweaks, and themes. I’ll also showcase one tweak from each repo that makes it worth consideration.
Note that this is a highly curated list, and I’m purposely omitting repos that house pirated tweaks and apps. I also avoid things like myrepospace, as it doesn’t have the best reputation. So while 10 repos isn’t as much as 50 repos, chances are, you’ll find at least one quality release on each repo that I recommend that you’ll derive benefits from.

10 Cydia Repos

  • Chewmieser – – StatusVolX/FreeFall
  • Elijah and Andrew’s Planet – – ReachApp
  • HASHBANG Productions – – Pheromone
  • Ian’s Repo – – Cydia Timeout
  • Karen’s Pineapple Repo – – AppSync Unified
  • Pw5a29’s Repo – – New swipe selection
  • Ryan Petrich’s repo : – Tons of stuff, Activator
  • tateu’s repo – – vAlarm
  • team Kodi – – Kodi
  • 46&2 Repository – – Wink
Keep in mind that most of the listed repos contain other compelling packages, and most are updated from time to time to upgrade existing packages and add new downloads.
If you’re going to add this many third-party repos, I definitely recommend using CSources2 in order to manage them. This jailbreak tool makes managing repos infinitely easier than going about it solo.
What’s your favorite repo on this list? Are there any repos that you think should definitely be listed here that I omitted? Drop me a line in the comment section and let me know.

AnonDz Web Developer

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

iOS 8.3 is no longer being signed by Apple

Wishing to downgrade (or upgrade) to iOS 8.3? If so, you’re too late, as Apple just stopped signing iOS 8.3.
As has been the trend lately, Apple tends to continue signing older firmware even after new firmware—such as last week’s iOS 8.4—has been out for a while. This time, a full week passed before Apple closed the doors on iOS 8.3.
What does this mean for users?
It means that if you wish to downgrade from iOS 8.4, you simply can’t. It also means that if you’re on a lower firmware, such as iOS 8.1.3, and wish to upgrade to iOS 8.3 instead of iOS 8.4, you can’t.
In a nutshell, it means that you basically are forced to upgrade to iOS 8.4 in all situations. Granted, there have been some rumblings of potential downgrades, so you should always look into saving your SHSH blobs for all firmwares, but nothing solid has come from this yet.
The good news is that iOS 8.4 can be jailbroken, so it’s not like jailbreakers are out of the game yet. But, this does mean that you should definitely save your iOS 8.4 SHSH blobs in preparation for the next version of iOS that is coming.
As always, you can visit to check the signing status of Apple firmware.
What are your thoughts on this inevitable change?

AnonDz Web Developer

How to get Apple Watch-styled Lock screen notifications on your iPhone

WatchNotifications is a brand new jailbreak tweak from developer Thomas Finch, that seeks to better unify the look of notifications on Apple Watch and iPhone. It does this by mimicking the look of Apple Watch notifications on your iPhone’s Lock screen.
Available for $1.00 on Cydia’s BigBoss repo, if you prefer the look of the notifications on your Apple Watch, then you’ll most certainly be interested in WatchNotifications.
Once WatchNotifications is installed, it should begin working immediately. The only thing it will affect are the notifications that you receive on your Lock screen, so banners and alerts will still look like they always do on iOS.
But on the Lock screen, Notifications closely mimic those found in watchOS. Functionally, everything is the same—you can still swipe to quick reply, open, and dismiss—but the look is much more in concert with the look found on Apple’s wearable.
In the Settings app, you’ll find a preference panel for WatchNotifications. The preferences for the tweak consist of two switches—a kill switch and an option to disable the app icon shadow the Lock screen notification.
I like WatchNotifications. It’s a good-looking tweak that helps unify the notifications experience, at least from a visual standpoint.
What do you think? Leave a comment down below.

AnonDz Web Developer

Possible iPhone 6s keynote and launch date revealed

With just two full months to go until the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus are officially unveiled, a Chinese gadget blog has allegedly revealed the launch dates of both the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus — courtesy of sources inside the Foxconn supply chain.
As per Micgadget, Apple’s iPhone 6s keynote is scheduled for Friday, September 11, while the devices will land in stores one week later on Friday, September 18.
The dates (particularly the latter one) makes a certain amount of sense, given that Apple is all but certain to pick a launch day as close as possible to existing iPhone early adopters’ yearly contracts running out. With that said, I’d be surprised if this is any more than a guess, since it seems questionable if Apple would share this kind of information with Foxconn, who Micgadget claims to have heard it from.
As one of our readers points out, it’s also worth noting that last year’s iPhone announcement keynote was on September 9, a Tuesday. If Apple was to unveil the iPhone on a Friday and then make it available for sale one week later, that would mean opening it up for pre-order immediately following the keynote.
Apple is also unlikely to want to hold a keynote on 9/11, although this is likely secondary to the other points.
Either way, I’m excited about the iPhone 6s, which is rumored to be the biggest incremental “s” release in iPhone history. Features are expected to include a RAM upgrade, faster processor, new color option, possible sapphire display for the iPhone 6s Plus, strengthened shell, improved Touch ID, Force Touch, and major camera upgrades both front and back.
Ten weeks to go, provided today’s report is accurate!
AnonDz Web Developer

'Hacking Team' Data Breach Confirms Firm's Ability to Infiltrate Jailbroken iPhones

Cybersecurity firm Hacking Team experienced a data breach earlier today, resulting in 400 GB of its documents being leaked onto the Internet, reports The Guardian. The documents confirm Hacking Team's ability to infiltrate and monitor jailbroken iPhones on behalf of government law enforcement agencies like the NSA, as noted by Macworld

Much has been speculated before and after Edward Snowden’s release of a trove of National Security Agency (NSA) documents in 2013 about the capabilities of the United States’ agencies as well as those of allies and enemies. The Hacking Team dump reveals quite a bit more about the routine functions of third-party suppliers into that ecosystem, including specifically enumerated capabilities. 

iOS users should therefore take note that the long-running concern that jailbroken iPhones and iPads were susceptible to vulnerabilities that could include access by so-called state actors appears to be confirmed by the data breach.
Hacking Team's software would need to be installed on a jailbroken iPhone, but the firm has the ability to jailbreak and infect a phone with its software via a malware-infected trusted computer the phone is connected to. In the firm's pricing list [PDF, requires Chrome], it's revealed hacking an iOS device costs €50,000 ($55,242) and includes "features" like Skype, WhatsApp and Viber chats, location, contacts and lists of calls. However, this service also includes a prerequisite of a jailbroken iPhone. 

Hacking Team uses a legitimate Apple enterprise signing certificate, which is used by corporations to create software that can easily be installed on employee devices, combined with jailbroken iOS devices to bypass iOS app installation protections. Additionally, Hacking Team developed the ability to create a malicious Newsstand app that could capture keystrokes and install monitoring software. 

Last year, researchers working independently of each other at Kaspersky Lab and Citizen Lab discovered components of Hacking Team's tools and how they were used by government agencies to steal data from mobile devices, but the full extent of the software hadn't been confirmed until now. 

Data breaching software and Apple devices have been in the news before, most famously in last year's celebrity iCloud data breach, where it was discovered that hackers were using ElcomSoft Phone Password Breaker, software intended for government and law agencies, to steal usernames and passwords to access iCloud backups. 

While much of the discussion around government agencies and citizen data has revolved around mass collection, Hacking Team's software is designed to attack individual devices rather than a vast network. It's likely that the exploits detailed in Hacking Team's documents will be addressed and patched up in future iOS and Mac software updates. 

Note: Due to the political nature of the discussion regarding this topic, the discussion thread is located in our Politics, Religion, Social Issues forum. All forum members and site visitors are welcome to read and follow the thread, but posting is limited to forum members with at least 100 posts.
AnonDz Web Developer

How to jailbreak iOS 8.4 with TaiG 2.3.0

TaiG 2.3.0 was just released about an four days ago, and it brings with it support for iOS 8.4. Like previous versions of TaiG’s tool, this version is Windows-only, so you’ll need to use a Windows machine or a virtual Machine.
We’ve created a full video walkthrough and tutorial to show you how to jailbreak your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch running iOS 8.1.3-iOS 8.4 using TaiG 2.3.0. It’s an extremely easy jailbreak that only takes a few minutes if the directions are followed closely.
Note: this tool requires Windows or a virtual machine running windows. You must have iTunes installed (latest version is fine) for this to work.
Be sure to have Find My iPhone, passcode lock, and location services disabled prior to starting. Enter Airplane mode as well. It’s also best if you use a fresh iOS install, and you reboot before starting. Also, ensure that iTunes can recognize your device before running the TaiG too!
Step 1: Download TaiG 2.3.0 from Her; save and extract it to your desktop
Step 2: Connect your iOS 8.4 device to your computer
Step 3: Launch TaiG 2.3.0
Step 4: Uncheck the 3K assistant checkbox
Step 5: Click Start to begin the jailbreak
Once the jailbreak completes, launch Cydia to start the Cydia initialization process. The great thing about TaiG 2.3.0 and iOS 8.4 is that the current version of Cydia Substrate works out of the box, so there are no weird workarounds or waits to endure until you can use your favorite tweaks. That said, some tweaks will need to be updated and enabled before you can enjoy them.
What do you think? Are you jailbroken on iOS 8.4 yet?
    AnonDz Web Developer

    10 Apple Music jailbreak tweaks

    Apple Music is here, and I think that we can all agree that it’s a fairly big deal in tech. Now that iOS 8.4 is officially jailbroken, it’s time to look at some of the tweaks available for Apple Music. In the following post, I outline 10 jailbreak tweaks that you may want to try on Apple’s revamped Music app.
    Note: Keep in mind that  since we just got the iOS 8.4 jailbreak, there may be conflicts when mixing together multiple tweaks. 
    Also, some of these tweaks still haven’t been officially updated for iOS 8.3 or iOS 8.4, yet they still work very well. Other tweaks may have a bug or two, but are otherwise usable. As the jailbreak matures and more developers update their tweaks, you’ll see increased compatibility across the spectrum. Okay, on to the tweaks!


    This is a new Cydia tweak especially designed for the revamped Apple Music app. It allows users to enable landscape orientation on the iPhone. – Free on Cydia


    Displays both the Lock screen clock and music controls at the same time. – Free on Cydia 


    Adds an iTunes-inspired mini player to the Lock screen. – $1.99 on Cydia 


    Looking to tailor the sound of a specific type or genre of music? Want more fine-grained control over the music listening experience? EqualizerEverywhere provides you with equalizer presets and lets you adjust various bands to create your own sound. – $3.00 on Cydia 


    Add music controls above the iOS App Switcher. – Free on Cydia 


    Lends more character to the Lock screen by adding blurred album art as a wallpaper. – Free on Cydia


    Adds music controls to the Reachability view. – $0.99 on Cydia 

    Helius 2

    Revamped stylized Lock screen media controls. – $0.99 on Cydia


    Changes the color of the Lock screen and its assets based on the now playing song’s album artwork. Really great when playing a playlist containing various album covers. – $1.99 on Cydia 

    Flex 2

    It’s only been a couple of days, and there are already two dedicated Apple Music Flex patches available. Flex lets you quickly and easily patch different aspects of iOS. Users can create their own patches from scratch, or as the majority enjoy doing, download patches from others. The two Flex patches I used allowed you to hide the recently played section and to hide the dismiss button for the now playing interface. – $3.99 on Cydia 
    Of course, this is only the very beginning of what’s possible with the right jailbreak tweak. Apple Music, and its feature-set will no doubt open up the doors to more innovation in the coming weeks and months.
    What’s your favorite jailbreak tweak for the Apple Music app thus far?
    AnonDz Web Developer

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