HI Guys
did you install appsync unified beta and lost all stock apps tweaks and cydia?
don't panic that's why i am here ill help you fix it but this will need ifile or filezela and ifunbox
1. first you need to go www.icloud.com enter your mail and password and erase the phone
2. second activate your phone then restore it with icloud or ituns backup
3. after the restore completed go to the link below and download the files in the bottom of the article
and rplace all the folders in the paths given and put everything in books with ifunbox
unarchive the ziped files you will find all you need
1st at the root past the lib.zip folder
2nd go to /var/log/ and past the contenent of the folder in it log.zip
3rd go to /var/ you will find a folder named lib.zip
5th go to /library/mobileSubstrate and past the contenont of MobileSubstrate.zip
reboot the phone after replacing the files and that's it just after you restart the phone open yalu app and hit go the phone will respiring and cydia works like a charm if you get any errors remove cydia substrate tweak and reinstall all your tweak on a the clean